Monday, January 2, 2017

10 Reasons Good Business Doesn’t Need Paid Advertising

Within 8 years of starting up, Airbnb had hosted 35 million guests in over 35 thousand cities around the world. Without any paid advertising.

In fact, they launched their first paid advertising campaign only this year.
Valued at nearly $13bn, they reached their current scope and scale without the millions of dollars other companies have to pay to achieve the same results. Impressive.
Their strategy? An incredible experience cultivated through a high-trust community coupled with incredible customer service.

So the question begs asking …

If a company like Airbnb that began as a one-page website can grow into a much-loved global brand without paid advertising, can any business accomplish the same?
The answer is ‘no’.

Airbnb is good business. ‘Good’ being the philosophy, strategy and mechanism behind unprecedented organic growth.